Sunday 25 June 2017


Were you ever haunted by that question?

Have you experienced that moment when you may have doubted your decision to end your marriage? I am guessing the answer is YES at least once.

For those of us who hasn't I trust it was with good reason.

My answer is yes and on more than one occasion. I believe its only human to second guess a decision that is life changing.

But I must say, this occurred shortly after the separation, at a time when one was emotionally challenged. As the divorce unfolded I had absolutely no doubt in my mind that I made the right decision.

For those of us who maybe battling with that question long after the fact is another story and may need to seek counsel.

My separation leading to divorce all happened at a rather fast pace. Strange enough it was not something we ever discussed previously or I contemplated for some time before.

An incident took place, at at that very moment I realised I did not really know the person I lived with for eight years.

I could not trust him anymore. In addition to which we were not as compatible as we believed we were. In my heart I knew I was unhappy in that marriage. The relationship changed my outlook at life and I felt as though I simply was not myself.

Our marriage was not all terrible, we shared good times but lies and deceipt is a BIG No in my book.

What was even more revealing was our actions as individuals during the divorce proceedings. I can attest to this fact- Our response, our actions during the lowest or most trying times of life's journey is the greatest test to our character.

So yes I tried hard enough, I gave enough and I also knew when enough was enough!

We all have different standards and that is why it is our prerogative to make that choice.

We must know truthfully if our efforts to save our marriage or to save ourselves were justified.

Once we are, the answer to "the question" is simply natural.

Chat with you guys later and be blessedđź‘‹.

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