Thursday 1 June 2017

Divorce ???

Divorce! when did it become so complacent? How many of us remember years ago, when the word Divorce would warrant shrieks and provoke whispers 👀. Yep, it did! However, with its increasing rates, familiarity emerged and most of us these days are affected by it in one way or another.
Ain't that right people? It's either the gparents gotta lend more support as well as aunts and uncles. Thank God for my family! Thank you, Dad, for the countless pickups of my daughters from primary school.  My younger brother for all your artwork expertise and assistance with the girls' school projects phew! A big shout out to my sis who is the girls affirmed Second Mom.  Love you guys !! 
Oooh, how could I forget, thanks to my ex for taking care of the school books and uniforms. Glad I didn't have to go through that August back to school shopping drama. And thanks to my attorneys for including that in the court order! 😉
And for those of you who unfortunately do not have that family support hats off to you incredibly strong women. 👏

Now whilst divorce is a social phenomenon and numerous analyses prevail, as to the common reasons, that contribute to the divorce rate and its negative effects on our society, these topics I leave for maybe a future discussion. 
Yeah, so we've been through the agony, conflicts, blaming, B&B (battles & brawls) and separation. 
So, how do we cope thereafter?  How do we re-focus, how are we affected and more importantly how do we,  become ME! 
This blog features "Life after Divorce" and I invite you to join me in healthy and happy conversations to the benefit of us all. 

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