Friday 2 June 2017

A Real Mom

Call it a sixth sense, intuition or mummy's hunch, I will bet my last dollar that my mom was blessed with this gift more so than others.

I packed my bundles with my three girls and headed back home, knowing mom could say I told you so. Guess what?

She never did. Real moms are perpetually your rock, support, and the one who makes you feel safe.

A standalone Thank You Mummy, for being a "Real Mom", you sustained me!*&gt;:D< big hug
It's amazing how some recollections are humorous, I am impelled to share this one with you!!   

At one court session, (my parents accompanied me to every single one), my ex was in the witness box being cross-examined by my attorney.  And you all know it's an attorney's job to lure you into a trap by their line of questioning. 

So my boy was caught let's say, not telling too much of the truth!! And the Judge remarked; " Mr. EX, based on your statements, if someone told me, you said to walk, I would run". 

Well my mom, in affirmation of the judge's comment, and behaving like my biggest fan, cheering on the sidelines, hit the palm of her hand with the other fist and squirmed UHMM!!  

Mr. Judge sternly uttered to my moms, "Madam that behavior is not tolerated, and should I hear another outburst from you I will direct you out of my courtroom!"

I had to hold my desire to chuckle, because of Mr. Judge courtroom! But boy my mom's passion for supporting me never goes un-noticed. 


  • Love dearly the ones who love you
  • Sometimes we feel as though we make decisions because we can, but it is good practice to heed a mother's counsel!
  • In our life's journey, there are times we need the support of others, don't ever let pride deter us from asking for help.

1 comment:

  1. You are truly blessed to have a mom who is your cheerleader!! Many of us do and yet many don't. For those of us who do we must cherish them and become their own cheerleaders! For those who may not have that relationship with their moms it's never too late to try, maybe she may never hold Pom poms for you but at least, you can build mutual respect, understanding and love ... and who knows eventually great friendship!
