Monday 10 July 2017

Finding Love Again

After divorce, there is a natural instinct of fear that kicks in. The fear of never finding that companionship or the fear of being alone.

Reducing this fear and anxiety is to live in the moment. Things such as going for a relaxing morning walk or run with the dog or having lunch with some girlfriends can provide a feeling of contentment.

They say laughter is the best medicine take some time to yourself go watch a funny movie and laugh till you cry or treat yourself to a spa day with your girls. Make yourself feel worthy again. Learn to love yourself as a person independently rather than being interdependent.

My advice is love yourself first before you thinking about loving someone else. After the divorce I had no intentions of dating. I wanted to spend time with my kids.

At the same time I did not think that it would not be an option going forward.

I wanted to love again. I just was not looking, I prayed to God and said “ I am not looking, you send me someone whenever.”

That someone just came a lot sooner than I expected. I consider myself blessed that I can love and trust again, and that I am in love.

Oh yes I missed ten toes, and someone I can through a leg on.

Life is Good make the Best of It!!

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