Tuesday 11 July 2017

The good life

We all know divorce to be tough, ugly and acrimonious, it pretty much sucks.

However, I bet you could find many great things that emerged from your divorce if you look closely enough. I know I can.

When I think about it and remind myself of the positives, thriving from my divorce seems a more accurate description of my experience (sort of).

Hey, I learned to laugh again and have fun! I found myself once more. I was able TO BE ME!! I could DO ME!!

So I picked just two favourite things about My Life After Divorce to share. There are actually a lot more, I will share at another time.

Bonding with my girls -

Divorce was hard on my three daughters, but we emerged from the experience with a closer relationship than ever.

On weekends, I implemented mommy-daughter field trips to the movies, zoo, hairdresser...etc. We also did slumber parties where we watched movies until late at night and slept together in my bed.

Don’t get me wrong the transition wasn’t easy but we did the best we could. At least my girls weren't being raised in an unhealthy environment anymore.

Today I have absolutely no doubt my children have thrived far better than if we stayed in a bitter environment. it.

Their dad was not a very outgoing individual, so we moved from just dinning out to going to football matches, the beach, carnival with my family. We just become more adventurous. Honestly I just found myself again.

Physical strength-

After the divorce, I started working on building my physical strength too. That meant starting the gym. I also made a new pledge to eat healthier.

This was "my time" My sister returned to Trinidad and we were able to do a lot more together as well.

I was able to rekindle with my parents and siblings. I really mean just spend more quality time with the ones I truly love and hold dear.

Life just felt sooo good again!!!

Consider making your own list of the positives, be grateful and thank God !!!

1 comment:

  1. "Difficult Roads Often Leads to Beautiful Destinations "
