Sunday 23 July 2017


Finding happiness after a divorce was much easier than I thought.

As a matter of fact I didn't have to go find happiness. I just became much happier. I did not have anyone trying to control me anymore.

I did things that I enjoyed doing.

That negative force was gone.

My kids and I did a whole lot of outgoing stuff together.

I found someone who truly loves me and seeks my interest. Someone who encourages me to be the best I can be.

It seems as though happiness found me!!!


  1. @Nickylee Thank you for sharing. It definitely is all in the attitude, and people are the most meaningful thing the world has to offer.

  2. Happiness comes from a peace of mind. It doesn't mean that you can't be scared at times, even a bit worried or doubtful, it just means being all of that and still knowing that things are better than before and can only continue to get better! Thanks for your blog it's inspirational, keep sharing.
