Friday 28 July 2017

AINT LIFE FUNNY! Time heals.

My dear gals and guys!! Life is what we make of it. Our choices are crucial to our happiness! Ughhh, remember the days, when you would prefer not to be in the same room with the EX, yeah I do too.

Let me give some insight as to how we grow and learn which is really a good thing.

Whenever my ex-husband visited my home to see the children, he would park in front of the gateway. If i was outside at the time maybe watering my plants or sweeping the yard, we did not even acknowledge each other. In hindsight I would think how silly was that. But hurt, pain, disappointment and anger causes us to react in strange ways 😞. We communicated on a need to basis, outside of that we did not speak to each other.

One day I said hello, I felt it was common courtesy and again what example would I set for my children. I CHOSE not to hold on to anger, despite all the shit I had gone through, all the lemons he threw at me, I chose to say hello. Because we define who we are and how we live. We make that choice to let go! And my dear friends, we have the power and will to move on! Do not allow anyone to have that ability to steal your joy.

I applaud couples who have gotten a divorce amicably, it speaks to a level of maturity and sensibility which we will discuss at another post. Today my children's father would walk into my house, we would sit and have healthy conversations concerning the girls. I can can safely say we are friends!

Peace and love to you, until our next chat.


  1. I enjoy reading your blogs.
    Thanks for the great words!!! =)

  2. Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do. As my parish priest mentioned a few days ago when we don't forgive our hearts are like a clenched fist, closed so tightly that we cannot receive love or forgiveness. But as we learnt to forgive others not just by words but from the heart our 'clenched fist' or heart begins to open up so that we can experience forgiveness from God for the wrongs we have done.
