Friday 30 June 2017

Staying for the sake of the kids

Why? Why do we choose to stay in an unhappy marriage and think that it is healthy for the kids?

I know people stay together for several reasons, fear of being alone, the need for financial support. I have known some parents who stay married thinking it will make the children happier.

Wednesday 28 June 2017


So I have a quote for you guys today do enjoy:

Dear tummy, sorry for all the butterflies.

Dear pillow, sorry for all the tears.

Dear heart, sorry for all the damage.

Dear brain, you were right!!!  😜

Sunday 25 June 2017


Were you ever haunted by that question?

Have you experienced that moment when you may have doubted your decision to end your marriage? I am guessing the answer is YES at least once.

For those of us who hasn't I trust it was with good reason.

Saturday 24 June 2017

Trust in him

God is up to something.

There is a reason why you wenr through what you went through.

Trust the process, He's GOT YOU!!!!

Thursday 22 June 2017

How my marriage affected my relationships

In hindsight, when I look back I could see the warning signs. The lies. Poor communication. The lack of concern and care. Raucous arguments. The control factor.

But what I did not see was how all this impacted my relationships with my family and friends.

A bad marriage not only negatively affects the two spouses involved, it can spread like a contagion, affecting our interactions

Sunday 18 June 2017


True love is is knowing someones weakenesses

And not taking advantage of them.

Knowing their flaws

And always accepting who they are.!!!

Thursday 8 June 2017

Tough Times Tough Decisions

Was I angry when I had to adjust my budget downwards? Hell yeah!! I remember thinking the disruption imposed on my girls having to move them from private school because I couldn't pay the fees on my own.
Back then I saw the setbacks, I way annoyed but guess what?

Friday 2 June 2017

A Real Mom

Call it a sixth sense, intuition or mummy's hunch, I will bet my last dollar that my mom was blessed with this gift more so than others.

I packed my bundles with my three girls and headed back home, knowing mom could say I told you so. Guess what?

Thursday 1 June 2017

Divorce ???

Divorce! when did it become so complacent? How many of us remember years ago, when the word Divorce would warrant shrieks and provoke whispers ðŸ‘€. Yep, it did! However, with its increasing rates, familiarity emerged and most of us these days are affected by it in one way or another.